Erica de Souza
butt girl
21 JAN '93
SFX youth choir
Anderson sec
Anderson sec choir
1/3 '06
2/3 '07
3/1 '08
dont lick it
my lovely family
stripey socks
the sun
the sexy
and not forgetting all those who sincerely care
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
i haven't blogged.
oh well
thats beside the point cause IM BLOGGING NOW!!!
yea and now its story time!!!
the boy walked through the gate, expressionless and apathetic. Though he was accompanied by many and was not left alone, it was hard to tell if he felt any warmth. He reached the porch, where a few acquaintances stood, and waved fleetingly at them, retaining the usual nonchalant expression.
The boy was quite successful in keeping this this cool, indifferent manner, till he saw her-the girl, standing among the insignificant others. The girl that stood eminent among the rest, though she was the last he saw. She smiled and raised her hand in cordial greeting, and he did the same, though this greeting was notably different from the former. The difference was the way that particular greeting sent warmth streaming into the boy, brimming him with such joy that he couldn't contain it, and was revealed through a wide smile, stretching across his face, causing creases above at his eyes.
Instantaneously, the boy forgot all the misfortunes that had occured during the day. His day could not be more beautiful, his life couldn't be more splendid. He led the rest of his day in a blissful which would not have taken place, if not for the smile of the the girl.
yay. its a true story by the way
9:52 PM